Hope Reunited Logo

Hope Reunited is a program of Live 2 Give Hope that began assisting community members in January 2020. Hope Reunited’s goal is to help relieve the burden on the local child welfare system by providing assistance to families with children involved in the child welfare system.


In Laclede County alone, there are over 80 children per year removed to foster care, an average of 7.8 children per 10,000 children residing in the county, per month (1). Laclede County’s numbers are double the state’s average of 4 per 10,000 per month. Laclede County ranks as the 28th highest for monthly removals in the state, out of 115 counties.

The overwhelming majority of children are removed due to neglect, drug use, or a combination of both. Of those children in foster care in Laclede County, only 31% are in relative care, living with family-members like grandparents or aunts and uncles. Only about 50% of these children are reunified with their families at the end of a year, while the state average is 65%, making Laclede County the 78th lowest in reunification rates out of 115 counties.


Hope Reunited’s goal is to reduce the numbers of children languishing in care by helping biological parents navigate the child welfare system and helping them to understand their rights and responsibilities. Hope Reunited’s goal is to increase the 12-month reunification rate in Laclede County to 65%, the state average, and to increase the relative care rate to at least 35%. Ultimately, we hope to surpass the state average for reunification.

Laclede County in Missouri


Hope Reunited aims to address the overburdened child welfare system in a variety of ways by assisting families in their journey:


    1. Helping families understand the child welfare system
    2. Advocating in Family Support Team (FST) meetings and in court for the best interest of the children
    3. Providing encouragement & hope
    4. Providing referrals for other community resources
      1. Food
      2. Transportation
      3. Employment
      4. Housing
      5. Education
      6. Counseling
      7. Child Care
      8. & More

(1) Data retrieved August 28th, 2018 from Fostering Court Improvement http://fosteringcourtimprovement.org/mo/County/Laclede/

“I’m just thankful for all you do. Not just the resources, but the emotional support is huge. I’ve never met someone who truly wants to help people the way you do.”

Hope Reunited Client DH

Find Yourself Involved With the Child Welfare System?

Apply now for Hope Reunited advocacy program.


Click the link below for a list of needed items and how you can get them to children in need.