Fostering Hope Closet is a resource for foster parents in Laclede County. The closet is located at 22994 Professional Drive in Lebanon (the former ETC Bridal building). Please visit the Fostering Hope Closet’s facebook page to see what’s going on now at facebook.com/FosteringHopeClosetMO/
Monday: 10 am – 1 pm
Tuesday: 2 pm – 6 pm
Wednesday: 10 am – 1 pm
Thursday: 2 pm – 6 pm
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 10 am – 1 pm
Sunday: Closed
and by appointment
Do you have items to donate?
Click the link below for a list of needed items and how you can get them to children in need.
Donate items
Helping foster families
The closet houses donated items and is available for foster parents to come and select items for their kiddos.